Stress. Anxiety. Pressure. Then come the stomach issues. Our mind and body have been hijacked. The nervous system is overworked. Depression settles in making a home in our space without our permission. Sound familiar? For many years I cycled through this numerous times a year. It took pushing up against this edge until it became so loud to the tune of physical ailments that I could no longer evade what was really going on. The way I was operating was no longer working. I needed, I wanted desperately for an upgrade to my internal way of living and being.
Through some lifestyle changes, I am moving into a new residence that feels better and is aligned with the life I really want to live and belong to. During this time there were many support systems in play to make this move happen including plant and herbal wellness. The ingredients in my Elevate blend were consciously chosen out of this experience. I wanted that sense of elevation above the way I had been living my life to a new, more fulling experience. One that felt better and provided support and nourishment. This blend has a wonderful uplifting flavor and is sure to bring a little sunshine to your spirit.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
This herb is a popular nervine known to calm feelings of anxiety, stress and depression~Known to improve sleep for those prone to insomnia~
Soothing to our digestive system and supports our immune system~Anti-viral & anti-microbial properties
Hawthorn Leaf (Crataecus monogyna)
Contains constituents that benefit cardiovascular functioning~Promotes balance of overall heart (physical & emotional) health, supportive when going through grief and transition, supports emotional boundaries~Hawthorn is an adaptogen, has a mild sedative effect, helps to ease anxiety
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
This sweet adaptogen has been long used in traditional medicine to treat a myriad of health conditions including but not limited to digestion issues, gastric ulcers, allergies~
Some limited studies have shown licorice to exhibit anti-depressant qualities
Spearmint (Mentha Spicata)
Uplifting to the senses, supports digestion by way of carminative oils found in this herb
Suggested Tea Magic for You
Use 1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. of boiling water. Cover your Elevate tea and allow for the magic to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Find a comfortable spot to sit and allow yourself to arrive in the present moment. Start with the breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Breathe into any areas of tension in the body. Bring to mind a new way of being, an idea of what your being would feel like or your life would look like if you can imagine it in an elevated state. Sit with this new idea for a moment. Take a few more deep breaths, breathing through your whole being. As you sip your cup of tea magic feel the sense of appreciate towards yourself for showing up in a new way.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. You are responsible for your own health.
Jeanne –
This combination of botanical herbs is delicious. I have a cup every day to reduce anxiety. Love it cold too.